
Enzymes to accelerate the aerobic digestion.​

The Biodigestor can operate on various energy sources with high durability, efficiencies, and minimal maintenance, this automated Biodigestor uses an enclosed system to treat organic wastes, thus resulting in a very consistent product that is free of offensive
smell and pathogen-free, all the nutrients are locked inside the organic fertilisers, achieving high nutrient values. No harmful by-products are released during the process. Due to the high-temperature process, all the harmful pathogens are killed.

The end product is an organic fertiliser that comes out in free of offensive smell powder form or pellet form.

LG2 Enzymes

The LG2 enzymes are specially formulated for the purposes of faster break down of the complex organism, it is a natural cocktail which contains a variety of naturally occurring micro-organisms. They work at thermophilic phase and break down complex organic compounds inside the organic wastes into simpler organic matter at an unprecedented speed.

How It Works

Our technology relies on our LG2 enzymes – a blend of naturally-occurring microorganisms. These enzymes thrive in high-temperature conditions
within our specially-designed biodigester, facilitating rapid conversion of complex organic waste into manageable matter during aerobic digestion.

Efficiency & Versatility

Our biodigester operates efficiently on various energy sources, offering
durability and low maintenance. It is an automated, enclosed system which produces consistent, and pathogen-free organic fertiliser, free of offensive smell. This process preserves valuable nutrients without releasing any harmful by-products.

The Final Product

The outcome is a certified 100% pure organic fertiliser, rich in organic
elements, Free of Offensive Smell, and free of pathogens. It is safe to use directly on
gardens, fruit and vegetation without risk of overdosage or damage.